SETI qseti command


qseti - seti photometer readout program


qseti [rate=100] [nsamples=100] [outfile=qseti] [notel] [verbose] [node=] [tel=]


qseti reads the SETI photometer and writes the data into a FITS file. The file has 7 colums representing the three photomultipliers and their coincidences. The number of rows equals the number of samples.


rate= Specifies the sample rate in Hertz. The default value is 100 Hz. All seven counters are sampled simultaneously. There is a dead time of 1.0 millisecond, so the actual counting time will be reduced by that amount.

nsamples= Specifies the number of samples. The default value is 100. A sample is a measument of all seven counters.

notel -omits the telescope information in the header.

node= specifies the name of the machine on which the counter server is running. The default value is the local machine.

verbose - prints out information for debugging the program.

tel= - sets the node for the telescope server. The default is the server node.

outfile= Sets the name of the output FITS file, the extension .fts is not needed. The default value is qseti.fts. The filename '-' sends the output to stdout.


Below is a typical FITS header of an observation with Telescope information included.
SIMPLE  =                    T
BITPIX  =                   16   # 16 bit 
NAXIS   =                    2
NAXIS1  =                    7   # 7 channels
NAXIS2  =                  100   # nsamples from command line
NSAMPLES=                  100
RATE    =                  100   # sample rate in Hertz
DATE-OBS= '31/03/1999'           # mm/dd/yyyy (ut)
UT      = '19:08:27'             # universal time hh:mm:ss 
INSTRUME= 'Seti Photometer'
DETECTOR= 'Triple Photometer'
OBSERVAT= 'Leuschner'
TELESCOP= 'Thirty inch'
RA      = '23:34:02.7'           # the current telescope coordinate
DEC     = '+38:00:02'
EPOCH   =               1999.2
HA      = '+00:00:39'
TELFOCUS=                590.2   # focus position in mils
TELCOLL = '0.0,0.0'              # focus collimation (not needed on 30") 
TELTEMP =                 32.0   # 
HUMIDITY=                   32   # 
WINDSPEE=                   32   # 
WINDDIR =                   32   # 
IRVOLTS =                32.00   # 
OAT     =                 32.0   # outside air temperature 
ENCODER = 'ha=0.420 dec=37.496 ra=353.262'


qseti communicates with the telescope server located on the local machine. It communicates with it via BSD sockets using the BAIT protocol. The server is started using the startnet script with invokes tserver. This links together two different servers:


qseti notel nsamples=1000 outfile=- | rowcol - col=2 | uniq -c
qseti notel nsamples=1000 outfile=- | rowcol - col=1 | stat 


rowcol - for extracting the image data.

[ Seti index | Leuschner Observatory ]

Last Revised December 12, 2000